– Chartered Constituent Network of the Association of Former Students –
Our network boasts chapters across the state with the mission of serving as an advocate and support group on Hispanic concerns and issues at the University and local communities.
19th Annual Summit
Family Legacy Campaign
Impacting TAMU
Connecting with Us
A look back at 2021 TAMHN Summit (from L to R) Tamara Garza ’01, Mario Guel ’07, Regent Elaine Mendoza ’87, Nono Ruiz ’97, Carmen Fraser ’00, Hector Cavazos ’74, Krystavel Zulaica ’10, Monica Menzel ’93, Rogelio Tinajero ’18, Victoria Margo ’18
There are many ways to become engaged in the Texas Hispanic Network. You can tailor your level of involvement by your interest and availability. Consider sharing your time, treasure and talent with current and future Aggies to build on the success of the network.
Our Mission
To serve as an advocate and support group on Hispanic concerns and issues at the University and local communities. The Network dynamically works towards increasing the number of Hispanic students attending Texas A&M University, as well as enhancing their experience, education and quality of life on campus.
Connecting Leaders through Networking and Mentoring
By matching current students with formers students in relate fields, we are creating lasting relationships that can provide professional and personal growth opportunities!
Impacting Campus Climate through Support of University Initiatives
Did you know that the demographic composition of the incoming freshman class has reached 25% Hispanic? More than just bragging rights, hitting this threshold has garnered us the distinction of being named a Hispanic Serving Institution! Find out what this means for campus, faculty and research.
Developing a Pipeline for Growth and Representation
By attending the President’s Council on Climate & Diversity reading day, the TAMHN has a “voice at the table” when reviewing college-level diversity initiatives.
See some of the ways Texas A&M is reaching new recruits…
Recent graduate, Brianna Bonilla ’17, conceptualized and produced a series of commercials as part of a TAMU / Univision outreach effort to attract young recruits from Hispanic communities across the country. Each of the six (6) thirty-second spots speak to the connection between the Hispanic and the Aggie experience. At the end of the day, the Aggie Core Values and the values Hispanics have modeled our families around connect us. No matter the language spoken, Aggies and Hispanics hold the same closely-held values dear! Whoop!
Learn how you and your family can make a difference
What is the Family Legacy?
In 2015, TAMHN charter member, Daniel Hernandez ’73 established an endowment scholarship fundraising campaign with the sole purpose of ensuring a sustainable way to fund unique opportunities for enrolled Hispanic students – that may otherwise not have the financial means. We all recognize that the “other education” is so important – so this scholarship seeks to provide partial to complete funding for an array of opportunities- from study abroad stipends and internship travel costs, to professional and leadership development opportunities. These rich educational (and often costly) experiences should not be out of reach!
How much is the commitment?
While one-time donations of $2500 or more are welcomed, a popular model of giving includes setting up a renewing account with the Texas A&M Foundation.
The total (minimum) financial commitment is $2500.
5 years at $500 annual commitment for a total contribution of $2500.
During this period of fundraising, the A&M Foundation is maintaining the account into which funds are deposited.
Click Here to get started.
State Board Members
Monica Cuellar Menzel ’93
Arnoldo “Nono” Ruiz ’97
Vice President
Hector Cavazos
Carmen Fraser
’00 ’01
Victoria Margo
Find your Regional Chapter
Regional Chairs
Ashley Eberhart ‘96
Tamara Garza ’01
Eric Villarreal ’98
Krystavel Zulaica ’10
Abby Ledesma ’11
Jaime Rodriguez ’95
Rosie Landin ’96
Rubi Yanez ’14
Olga Gentry ’86
Samantha Castellanos ’10
Lisa Valera ’10
Araceli Trejo ’09
Safire Rodriguez ’16
The earliest known Hispanic graduate of Texas A&M was José Angel Ortís, Class of 1891. He graduated with a degree in civil engineering. He entered Texas A&M in 1887, taking courses in mechanical engineering through his junior year. It appears that he did not attend school during the 1890–91 school year but returned in the fall of 1891 to complete his degree.