Impacting Texas A&M University
current Hispanic Students
Active TAMHN Members
51 Student Scholarships Awarded in 2024
Get Involved
There are many ways to become engaged in the Texas Hispanic Network. You can tailor your level of involvement by your interest and availability.
By signing up as a general member, you will be connected to your local chapters to learn about local events, fundraising and matriculation activities. Membership also ensures you are kept up to date on relevant happenings on campus related to Hispanic concerns. Becoming a member involves nominal dues that go toward scholarship and development programs. There are several levels of membership that allow you to pick what works for you.
Consider sharing your time, treasure and talent with current and future Aggies to build on the success of the network. There are a variety of volunteer roles that could benefit from your experience and enthusiasm for all things Maroon! Contact the leaders on the leadership page to find out what is available to match your interests.

Leadership Team
Connect with our executive or regional leadership with any questions related to TAMHN and associated events.

Upcoming Events
Join us for our various events throughout the year. All are welcome to attend!

All donations benefit scholarships and recruiting programs for current and future Aggies. Remember, all contributions are tax deductible.