Family Legacy


What is the Family Legacy?

In 2013, TAMHN charter member,  Daniel Hernandez ’74 established an endowment scholarship fundraising campaign with the sole purpose of ensuring a sustainable way to fund unique opportunities for enrolled hispanic students – that may otherwise not have the financial means. We all recognize that the “other education” is so important – so this scholarship seeks to provide partial to complete funding for an array of opportunities-  from study abroad stipends and internship travel costs, to professional and leadership development opportunities. These rich educational (and often costly) experiences  should not be out of reach!

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What is the financial commitment?

While one-time donations of $2500 or more are welcomed (and appreciated!) another a popular model of giving includes setting up a renewing account with the Texas A&M Foundation.

5 years at $500 annual commitment for a total contribution of $2500.

The total (minimum) financial commitment is $2500.

How do I sign up?

Click here to create pledge