
Become a Member of the Texas A&M Hispanic Network.

For you. For the next generation of Hispanic Aggies.

By signing up as a general member, you will be connected to your local chapters to learn about local events, fundraising and matriculation activities.  Membership also ensures you are kept up to date on relevant happenings on campus related to Hispanic concerns.  Becoming a member involves nominal dues that go toward scholarship and development programs.   There are several levels of membership that allow you to pick what works for you. 

When you’re ready to commit, you will be directed to our secure member management & payment portal.

Membership Levels

12-for-12 – $12.00 per month (USD)

  • Subscription period: Monthly (recurring payments)

  • Automatic renewal (recurring payments)

  • For $12 a month (the cost of a burger and soda) you can create a more lasting impact!

Count me in! >

New Graduate Class year ’22 or ’23 – $30.00 (USD)


  • Subscription period: 1 year

  • No automatically recurring payments

  • For $12 a month (the cost of a burger and soda!) you can create a more lasting impact1N

Whoop! >

Standard Annual Membership $50.00 (USD)


  • Subscription period: 1 year

  • Automatic renewal (recurring payments)

  • For all former students who value what we’re doing and want to stay informed. Your contribution helps provide scholarships that are creating meaningful experiences for our current Hispanic Aggies!  Pass it back and pay it forward, Ags! Gracias y Gig’em!

Gracias y Gig’em! >

12 X 12 Annual Membership $144.00 (USD) Same price as 12 for 12 but paid Annually vs Monthly installments

  • Subscription period: 1 year

  • No automatic renewal (recurring payments)

  • For all former students who value what we’re doing and want to stay informed. Your contribution helps provide scholarships that are creating meaningful experiences for our current Hispanic Aggies!  Pass it back and pay it forward, Ags! Gracias y Gig’em!

Join and Pass it back Ags! McAllen's first Graduates

Joining the Texas A&M Hispanic Network is the best way to ensure you are connected and informed about key events and topics that are important to the fastest growing segment of the Aggie Network.  Your annual dues support local scholarships, fundraising events and recruiting activities near you.  The network helps to sponsor Ring Scholarships, local fundraising events and recruiting activities.  Membership ensures you will be the first to know about these activities so you can share with your network of friends and family interested in attending or supporting Texas A&M students or Former Students. 

The TAMHN hosts an annual Summit to bring together the University, current and former students alternating between College Station and major metro areas each year.  Dues from membership outside of College Station discover more herehandyhülle xr help fund biennial Summits that can bring these fantastic forums to Aggies across the state of Texas.   With membership you will also receive a handsome lapel pin of the Texas A&M Hispanic Network and recognition at our events.